Side Effects Lists

This index contains an alphabetical list of side effects reported in the "Adverse Reactions" section of the product descriptions in PDR® and its companion volumes. Under each side effect is an alphabetical list of brands associated with the reaction.

This index lists only side effects noted in official prescribing information as published by PDR®. To alert you of the full range of possibilities, the entries include adverse effects shared by an entire class of drugs, but not necessarily reported for the specific drug in question. The index is restricted to reactions that may be expected to occur at recommended dosages in the general patient population. Precautions to be taken under special circumstances are not listed, nor are the effects of overdosage.

This index is not complete yet, new lists are added regularly. If you can't find the list you need, please drop us a note here and we will add this list ASAP.

The frequency, duration, and severity of drug side effects depend on1:

Drug related factors:

  • Dosage (particularly a concern for medications with narrow therapeutic index)
  • Rout of administration
  • Duration of treatment
  • How the drug is metabolized and eliminated

Patient related factors:

  • Age (very young and very old patients are more vulnerable)
  • Gender
  • Overall health (particularly kidney and liver function, history of allergy)
  • Comorbidities
  • Concomitant use of other medications (the number and severity of adverse effects increases disproportionately as the number of used drugs increases)


  • 1. Alomar MJ. Factors affecting the development of adverse drug reactions. Saudi Pharm J. 2014 Apr;22(2):83-94. PubMed
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