Lists of Generic and Brand Name Drugs

Every drug has at least three names - a chemical name, a generic name, and a brand name. The chemical name describes the atomic or molecular structure of the drug. This name is usually too complex for general use. So commonly, an official body assigns a generic name to a drug. The generic names for drugs of a particular type generally have the same ending. The brand name is selected by manufacturer or distributor of the drug. It is usually shorter and easier to remember than the generic name.


New! We've developed a new version of our brand-generic tool. Now the search returns both, the brand -> generic and generic -> brand lists at the same time. The two previous lists are discontinued.

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These lists contain brand name and generic drugs ordered alphabetically. Many drugs have more than one name and, therefore, the same drug may be listed more than once. The brand names listed for each generic drug in these lists may not include all brands available in the United States. The most common ones are listed. Inclusion of a brand name does not imply recommendation or endorsement. Exclusion does not imply that a missing brand name is less effective or less safe than the one listed. Some drugs have too many generics and brand names to enumerate on one list.

The list will refresh itself every time you change the search term. For example, if you want to see all Brand-Name and Generic medications starting with "B", just enter this letter. Pressing "Search" button is not necessarily. To narrow down search results enter as much letters from the beginning of the drug name as you remember.

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